Monday, May 7, 2012

Seriously fussy baby cramping my style.

Really, this is going to be short.
I was able to do the following today from my list:
1) Began the great kid's desk overhaul.  It involves plastic shelving, basket wizardry, and a forced paper purge. Learned from experience that I apparently attract hoarders, and that I like cardboard magazine files versus baskets...
2) Boxed up many many fabulous classroom resources that are never used to reduce clutter. *sigh* mixed feelings.  But I had to be hard on myself, because they were gathering dust.  And I can use the shelf space for something else.  Put them in nice clear boxes under the computer counter.
3) Had an actual sub look over my sub folder to give me pointers on what I might be missing.
4) Employed my Teacher Cadet into beginning to cut and cardstock all the delicious teacherspayteachers freebies I got yesterday.
5) Utilized the discussion and model methods from the Daily 5 book to manage behavior during a math lesson.  It worked so well I'm going to do it for everything tomorrow! And also came up with a writing activity for the kids to do related to that...
6) *snort* received a "non-fiction resources" packet from an NFL team that I had e-mailed a request to- their contribution: a poster of their scantily clad cheerleaders.  Thank you for displaying your powers of reading comprehension...ah, I'll rant about that more another day.

There is a sudden break in the howling, and a very droopy eyed 13 month old burrowing his nose into my neck.  Time to sign off.


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