In the new, cleaner version of my Pinterest Boards - I've separated my math pins into 16 different math categories. Whether this will help or hinder me over time, I know not - but I figured I might as well give it a try.
I do love math in general - I was a math specialist for a few years at my old school. It was during this tenure that I fell in love with manipulatives. There is something altogether pleasing about running my hands through a great big bucket of colored tiles. I can't explain why. And multi-sided dice! Good Lord, at last I can love them and not have to play Dungeons and Dragons. If anybody even knows what that is anymore. I hit you with my +5 hand of righteous indignation...and I digress.
Once I started teaching second grade, I started to dig on the idea of small group math. And aside from being a great way to utilize manipulatives effectively, there's all sorts of fun anchor charts and whatnots that go with it.
So with great gusto (but also regret that I can only pick 10!) I present to you some favorite math pins.
1. I'm going to attempt to do a better job with word walls this year, and I liked this pin for the same reason as the pinner. "Mathematicians Say" is cool. I really like this idea of labeling ourselves as what we are. During writing workshop we call each other "authors", right? So it makes sense.
2. First off, I love this man. How can this not be the best possible man on earth? And he's married. Which makes him perfect for celebrity crush status. But anyway... he has great videos all the time! And I love this one about incorporating Angry Birds into a math game. You get group dynamics, money, geometry, engineering, counting, parent involvement- the whole shebang!
3. Confession: I don't actually have this manipulative in my room. Probably because I haven't found a good way to use it without making a mess. But look at this here pin! Looks pretty snazzy to me. Small, quaint, perfect for one or two kids, stackable. Starting to sound gooooood. Still don't have this manipulative I'm thinking about maybe trying to make some out of sponges, and then we can add in QUIET to the list of awesomeness.
4. I like incorporating dramatic play into math- and this pot holder would be perfect for doing a lesson on greater than and less than. They are made out of silicone, so I think that would hold up well over time as well.
5. This pin, aside from being cute for fall, also would make a great tie-in for incorporating lessons that might appeal to the naturalist intelligence. You know, in our college classes they always bring up the multiple intelligences and the bloom's taxonomy, and then we get into the school system and end up forgetting about them because we're struggling to get the standards across. So here's a nice easy way to do both!
6. Here's a recent pin I've found- a DIY rekenrek. Which is a tool a bit like an abacus but better. It helps kids practice decomposing basic facts to 20. This is a pin worth investigating if you're looking for something new to try out in your classroom.
7. Well, I found out a LOT about how my kids have trouble estimating this last year. Here's a pin I should have paid more attention to- but it was lost in my 13,000 pin mess. This is a great visual- and what a cool way to practice on a weekly basis? Pick a different sort of item each week, and always put ten in one cup and one hundred in the other, put the estimate number in between. They should be excellent estimators by the end of the year, don't you think?
8. Love this pin! I can't wait to try it. I'm not sure if the first time I do it I will have the kids make the watches themselves though. I might make a set number of watches first - a class group that's just hours, just half hours, just quarter hours, and then five minutes to try out like a write the room activity almost. Then when the kids are really good at it- they could make their own watch. I want to build success from the start.
9. Seriously, could these be any cuter? My thought as far as making it a dramatic play center, is having the kids having to refer to them by name and describe themselves to another "character". My second graders really struggle with coin identification- especially dimes vs. nickels. To me, this would be a great way to just have constant
10. It was tough to decide on the last pin. Ultimately I decided on this one, because it's a nice break down of those first lessons to get your math year going. So often we jump right in to the meat of the work we have to accomplish, because we're already aware of how behind we are before we've even started. But taking the time to really teach the behaviors of how to learn can save us so much time in the long run. I want to create charts like these for each part of my day - and just really say - screw the curriculum pacing for the first six weeks- the kids have to know HOW to learn first. Ennnnnd rant.