Sunday, August 19, 2012

And so it begins, again...

Tomorrow will be my first day back at work.  The idea is to use this week to get all of my belongings organized and the room put together.  And I absolutely must get it accomplished in these five days because next week I'll be in meetings and planning for the entire week.  And then Tuesday the 4th it all starts with the kids.  Looking back over the summer, I don't know that I accomplished what I thought I would.  That's my standard routine, of course. But, I did enjoy the time off, and what I did manage to do I am happy with- so it can't be all bad. 

I am moving rooms and I am not relishing the idea of all the sorting I have to do this week.  Even though I am sooooo happy to be going downstairs to be with my team, I know I have to throw out half of my old things and sort through what was left for me before I worry about my NEW things that are clogging up my house at the moment. Or decorate.  Which is what I'm more interested in doing.  And I'm very easily distracted when I'm doing a chore I'm not in to.  So I'm making myself a powerpoint to flash up on my promethean board while I work:

Snarf.  They sort of make me happy.

And I put the goal setting method I learned to use, and made myself a page for my first two days this week:

Overall, my plan is to spend two days cleaning, sorting, and tossing.  Wednesday I'll work on furniture arrangement and wall coverings.  Thursday my Dad is bringing my hoard from home, so I'll be putting that away.  And Friday for finishing touches.  I'll make another goal sheet for my decorating days to keep me on track.  I'm hoping for a look that is tasteful and not busy looking.  We'll see though, I have never pulled off that style before.


  1. Those quotes are so funny! I think most teachers have a little hoarder in them. We go back tomorrow too *sigh*. :)


  2. My tomorrow goal is to continue de-cluttering my room. I have similar piles that you do - garbage, give-away, thrift shop and find a better home. I want nothing ugly on top of my cubbies. A girl can dream!
    Good luck

    rubber boots and elf shoes

  3. Oh my gosh, your reality TV show quote made me laugh out loud. I always look around my room and think, "you're one pocket chart shy of being featured on Hoarders!". They really should do a teacher's edition!!

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    First Grade Fairytales
